
Sunday, May 6, 2012

31 Day Challenge - Day 2 - 20 Facts About Me

Day 2 : 20 Facts About Me


1.    I have 2 children a son (2 ½)and a daughter (7 months)
2.    I live with my partner of 7 years in Dublin, Ireland
3.    I am originally from UK but have been living in Dublin for past 10 years
4.    I am currently a Stay at home mum.
5.    I have worked in office jobs from the age of 16 until I had my 1st child at 30 years old.
6.    I would like to do something more creative as my profession, I am looking into starting a course in September.
7.    I have dabbled with card making but don’t get much time to pursue this since having my daughter.
8.    I have recently become interested in photography.
9.    My worst habit is I am always running late, I have even tried setting my watch fast by 10 mins but this doesn’t work, probably because I have a tendency of leaving everything to the last minute
10. I love watching stand up comedy.
11. I enjoy going out for a run, this is my outlet to blow of a little steam.
12. I have to have a cup of coffee first thing every morning before I do anything else. I drink a lot of coffee.
13. I spend too much time planning and not enough doing.
14. I would love to go to paris.
15. My Hollywood crush is Gerard Butler.
16. My OH took me to New York for my 30th Birthday but I was 3 months pregnant at the time so couldn’t enjoy it its fullest, cant wait to go back and do all the things I didn’t do the first time round.
17.  I love going to gigs although haven’t been to any in a while, best concerts have to be Snow patrol and Scissor Sisters.
18. I have an addictive personality, my top addictions are jaffa cakes (they don’t last 2 minutes in this house), PInterest (seriously when the kids are asleep I think to myself I will just go on for 5 mins and end up being on for hours).
19. I have given up on trying to understand men, I just accept they are a different breed  !!
20. I found this challenge harder than I thought I would J

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