
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

31 Day Challenge - Day 7 – Pet Hates

1.    People smoking at the doorway of shops where I and the children have to go right past them breathing in their smelly smoke.
2.    My phone battery dying just when I need it most.
3.    Realising that I have forgotten something, when I have just got home from the shops.
4.    People letting me down at the last minute.
5.    Polystyrene, makes my blood run cold especially when 2 bits rub together.
6.    People calling to the house without calling first, especially when I’m trying to get kids fed or settled for the evening.
7.     The other half waking me up at 2am and wanting to have a chat after a night out on the beer !! :-z (Grrrr).
I’m sure there’s more they are the ones that spring to mind…

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