
Monday, July 2, 2012

Some Stuff from the Past Week

On Wednesday I finally took Jack to get his hair cut, which was well overdue. His last cut was in November. He was very good better than I thought he would be. This is only his second ever haircut. The first time we took him to a childrens salon, the kind that has the cars as seats and showing cartoons to distract the little ones, which was great, but unfortunately the hair cut wasn’t great (far too short!!) and it was extremely overpriced. So I took him to a normal barbers and he was such a good boy, I was so proud of him.  Although the haircut was too short at the front again.. But what can you do it will grow back.. Here’s before and after photos (lol his hair was ridiculously long)…


Jack said his 1st sentence (longer than 2 words) on Thursday, he was watching Curious George and repeated one of the lines from the program “is that a tree”. Yes random I know but great, I had him repeat it about 100 times after that but sure when his Daddy came home from work he wouldn’t say it, typical!!! :-)

Lucy has been really grisly this week and very clingy, her little gums have been driving her mad poor little lady and yesterday we finally got a glimpse of her 1st little tooth just peeking through her gum.

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