
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hi & Welcome x

After becoming addicted to reading other blogs and after a couple of attempts of trying to get my own blog going here I go again!! I am very new at using blogger, and I am not a writer, or photographer or have a speciality in anything except to being Mammy to 2 year old Jack and 6 month old Lucy. I love reading blogs and reading other mums ideas, tips and creations etc.  So this blog isn't going to be about anything in particular, just a bit of everything and anything I think is worth mentioning, so hope you enjoy x


  1. Hi there! Found your blog from The Gallery. I have just started a blog too as I'm pregnant with my first baby. I have followed you - good luck with blogging! x

    1. Hi cmoonx, thanks for following!! Good luck with your blog and congratulations on your pregnancy, its such an exciting time !! I have followed you back.. What a great idea to do a blog to track your pregnancy .. Wish i had thought of doing a blog when i was pregnant :-) I look forward to reading your posts x
