
Friday, April 13, 2012

What we did today...

Pasta Threading

The little man was running around the house going mad this morning, whilst I am trying to get the little lady fed. I wanted to give him something to calm him down for a while and something he can concentrate on so I grabbed what first came to hand; a lunchbox lid, playdough, wooden skewers (with the sharp bits cut off) stuck in the playdough and pasta tubes. It was a big hit and did the job he sat there for ages threading on the tubes and taking them off again and starting again. He even went back to it later on in the day aswell.

Growing Cress Hair

I got the inspiration for this off the Cow & Gate website they have loads of different activities you can do with your toddler. They have to plant cress seeds in empty eggshells with a face painted on, so when it grows it looks like hair. I remembered that I had an easter egg box with pieces of a funny face on and basket and thought I could do this on a slightly bigger scale, so here's what we did hopefully the cress will grow to look like hair. I have never grown anything in my life so hopefully this will turn out ok.. :-P

... and just some running around the Garden

Jack looks like he's wondering whether he can hit the window from there

Butter wouldn't melt ...

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